Deep Traffic Signs

Real-time road sign assistance

This project is maintained by octaexon



Well, let’s get the ball rolling by first attempting to understand more precisely what I would actually like to do.


At the outset, the task is to develop a product that ingests a live camera feed, comprehends road signs and alerts the driver.


Of course, the precise form of the ultimate product is heavily determined by the many and various constraints that come into play.


The fallout of these constraints is not only that I’m engaged in a tightrope act, but also that I need to be careful in how I devise a metric by which I judge the outcome. Even restricting to a small subset of signs, assuming an appropriately chosen network architecture, training mechanism, hyperparameters and so on, I probably don’t have enough time to train such a model to its (internally-speaking) optimal state.

Clearly, I can’t specify the details of this metric at the outset, because it depends quite explicity on project progression; it is about putting hard numbers to the fluffy parts of the constraints above. However, I should be able to state it clearly a posteriori.

Moreover, it also affects what I mean by “alerting the driver”. It’s evident that I would need quite a bit more contextual information to notify the driver in an “intelligent” way: are they breaking the speed limit; which of the potentially many signs in the frame refer to them; etc. Such questions must be postponed to another day.

Anyway, let’s get on with getting on …